
What should have been sung at the Super Bowl

It is interesting to have a governor of a sovereign state within the United States (New York) declare that  business owners in her state that there is “nothing to worry about” after the civil case against Donald Trump.

Asked if businesspeople should be worried that if prosecutors could “do that to the former president, they can do that to anybody”, Hochul said: “Law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are businesspeople have nothing to worry about because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior.” (New York governor seeks to quell business owners’ fears after Trump ruling | Donald Trump | The Guardian)

Where’s the victim? There is none.

Where’s the fraud? There was none.

Where did Donald Trump’s organization do anything different than any other real estate developer virtually anywhere in the United States? He didn’t.

But America has to thank Kathy Hochul for being the first governor in the United States to admit there is no longer a Republic or a Constitution or a government where the government gets their just powers from the consent of the governed.

No, Donald Trump was different, she claims. Allow me to translate.

There is no longer blind justice in the United States of America. If you offend or upset the wrong people, they will come for you.

To me, this sounds like something out of Mao’s China or Cuba or North Korea. I’ll stretch just a little and say it sounds like something out of Russia.

I’m confused. I thought Trump was Putin’s buddy.

Instead, Governor Hochul’s stance suggests she is marching in lockstep with Russia’s ancestors – Vlad, Josef, Nikita, Leonid, and to a lesser extent, Mikhail.

Instead of a Black National anthem or the Star Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl, this is what we should have sung. Come sing with me, Comrade Hochul…

An unbreakable union of free republics,
The Great Rus’ has sealed forever.
Long live, the creation by the people’s will,
The united, mighty Soviet Union!

Chorus I:
Be glorified, our free motherland,
Reliable stronghold of the people’s friendship!
Banner of the Soviets, the banner of the people,
May it lead from victory to victory!

Through storms, the sun of freedom shone on us,
And Great Lenin illuminated our path.
Stalin taught us to be faithful to the people,
To labor and achievements, we were inspired!

Chorus II:
Be glorified, our free motherland,
Reliable stronghold of the people’s happiness!
Banner of the Soviets, the banner of the people,
May it lead from victory to victory!

We raised our Army in battles,
And swept the vile invaders from the path!
In battles, we determine the fate of generations,
We bring glory to our Fatherland!

Chorus III:
Be glorified, our free motherland,
Reliable stronghold of the people’s glory!
Banner of the Soviets, the banner of the people,
May it lead from victory to victory!


Should you realize the gulag awaiting you in 2026 or 2029, you may wish to understand Prospering in a Socialist Society, a guidebook I’ve written to provide strategies on exactly how to do so.

Gimme, Gimme, Gimme. Isn’t that the American way?

As I was glancing through various news feeds and posts this afternoon, I noticed my congressman was ranting about the Border resolution bill.

Specifically, this is what Greg wrote on his social media account:

“I spoke about my absolute disbelief and genuine disgust with what the Speaker did Tuesday night.

“My colleagues and I attempted to amend this bill to include aid to all three. We were denied. But we will keep fighting to fund Ukraine, Tawain, and humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

“This is what the American people want, what our global partners need, and it’s what this moment requires of us.”

This short post reflects Greg’s obvious failure of high school civics class, as follows:

Greg notes the American people want to continue funding Ukraine, Taiwan as well as humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

Nowhere in the Supreme law of the land is the Federal government given the privilege to fund foreign governments, for the purposes of funding proxy wars or providing military protection for any nation.

The United States military is for one reason – to protect the United States of America, not to be the world’s policeman. Nor is it to be used to determine what nations are ‘winners and losers’ from an economic, political or other standpoint.

Additionally, acting to provide the American people what they want is not the purpose of the government. “If the government is to be a Sugar Daddy,” I noted, “send me $90 million. That’s what I want so it’s your job to be Santa Claus or my Sugar Daddy and give it to me.”

Rather Congress is to act in accordance with the limitations given them by the Constitution.

Two can’t have both, Greg. Either you are my Sugar Daddy, so I expect my check shortly, or you are following the law which limits you severely. You cannot hand out whatever you decide to hand out.

In November, we get to decide whether we want to have Sugar Daddies that dole out the allowance they decide to give us when they determine it best for them or have a country based on the principles of liberty. Again, you cannot have both.

Greg’s lack of understanding of our nation led me to which publishes the voting record of each Senator and Representative at the state as well as federal level. I wanted to see how well Greg was embracing the Supreme law of the land.

Well, Greg votes in accordance with a strict interpretation of the Constitution only 5% of the time, I learned. That’s down from a 15% I noticed a few months ago.

Now, personally, I don’t think Americans should wait until the next election to rid themselves of individuals who ignore the directives and confines of their job description. They should be fired immediately and a special election called to replace the deadbeat.

But, you argue, there would probably be several hundred special elections over the next couple of years. True.

Which means America would depend much less of the government when Congress doesn’t have enough people available to make a quorum. But, in my opinion, that’s much better than keeping Congress functioning and marching the country to oblivion.

Lastly, you may wish to learn how to Prosper in a Socialist Society, which is a book I wrote recently detailing the same. In it, I provide several case studies of individuals who thrived while living in tyranny.

We the People Fix the Border

This morning I read the Biden Administration has welcomed 6.2 million illegals into the United States over the past three years.

It’s obvious they do not desire to honor their Oath of Office and protect the country against invasion. So I have a solution that is EASY and rather inexpensive.

First, We the People, working with our County Sheriffs, arrest the illegals in the county.
Second, they are taken care of while the sheriff arranges for transportation to the nation’s capitol, Washington, DC.
Thirdly, We the People deliver 6 million illegals to DC as well as Joe Biden’s places of residence, stating, “You wanted them, so here they are.”
Fourthly, WE the PEOPLE stand guard against these illegals being shipped by car, truck, bus, boat or train to other parts of the country. If the government wants to fly these 6 million elsewhere, that is their perogative. Keep in mind flight plans must be filed with the FAA so WE the PEOPLE will know where the plane is landing. Simply take the illegals, put them back on various mode of transport back to DC and Biden’s hometown.

WE the PEOPLE ARE the government. Are we acting like it?

Turning a Negative to a Positive

Today was Day 16 of a class I have been taking. While the sessions have been insightful, today’s was the pinnacle (so far).

Have you ever had someone tell you “You can’t do that” or “That’ll never happen”.

According to several studies I have seen over the years, most of what we hear is negative. From “why can’t you get the grades your brothers do” to “Shut Up” to “Just be quiet” to more, the feedback we receive from others is overwhelming.

Conversely, I recall a friend from about 30 years ago who, although we had our disagreements, always ‘put the best construction on everything.’

Getting back to today, as I said, was the pinnacle of the class to date (although I still have 8 classes to go). This guru purposefully challenged the students to think an important goal, then attacked that goal using comments similar to the above. From there, he asked what each student’s initial response to this attack was.

A few students said “Watch Me” while others put a “F*** You” in front of behind the watch me. Why did he do this? In most people’s minds, they see the attack as a challenge and appropriately rise to that challenge – ultimately succeeding.

A few years ago we had a President tell America that her best days were behind her and we must realize austerity was the future. But a former actor challenged that attack as the world witnessed America collectively say “Watch Me.”

Twenty seven years later, we had a Presidential candidate say almost the same words. Yet a loud, sometimes obnoxious real estate titan repeated the words of that actor, demonstrating another “Watch Me” moment.

Today we have another President using similar language to two former Presidents, betting against America once again. Yet we have another former President saying “Watch me” if you want a repeat performance from 7 years ago.

Is America up for the challenge once again, or will it decline into another footnote in the book of World History. The choice is yours.

You can either say with the real estate titan “Watch Me” or you can learn how to Prosper In A Socialist Society by clicking here.

I say, Kill the Democracy

freaking WONDERFUL!!! I say KILL the Democracy – we don’t have one anyway so my comment is mute.

The USA has never been a Democracy. It’s a Republic.

Even the ancient Greeks knew how shitting DEMOCRACY is and how violent its ending. Democracy is transitory.

There are only two forms of government, ultimately – an oligarchy and a Republic. All other forms of government are an iteration of these two or are a transitory situation, like anarchy or democracy.

What’s all this about DiseaseX?

Is this a new pharmaceutical company coming out with a new #vaccine, similar to Elon Musk’s #SpaceX? Is this a marketing company to sell the world on the next ‘plandemic’? Will DiseaseY and DiseaseZ follow DiseaseX?

I wonder how many people will recognize the BS-X this time around and stand in resistanceX. Conversely, how many will join the ranks of ChickenLittleX and demand the world locks down, stops growing food and begins to consume SoylentGreenX to save the world from themselves.

Personally, a think a little ‘jab, jab, jab, right hook’X should be gifted to the scientists, politicians and others who ‘sell’ DiseaseX on a consistent basis.

Here endeth my rant of the day.

TedL (much better than TedX as my insight is always from a trustworthy source)

Screw 2024. In fact, screw 1984

Are you scared? Are you wondering what 2024 will bring? Are you anxious about the outcome of the elections and whether it will be above-board?

You shouldn’t be…

You are focusing on the wrong things. You really are.

George Soros. Bill Gates. Jeff Bezos. Mark Zuckerburg. All flyspecks.


How can I call these guys who have billions are their beck and call flyspecks (by the way, flyspecks is a nice way of saying flysh*t).

Am I saying Soros, Gates, Bezos Zuckerburg and more are miniscule. As in, they are tiny and you need to look at the real picture.


How can I?

For a very simple reason.

Last week I was in a conference call with a friend from Northern Ohio. He was talking about the economy, investments and money. Amazingly, he alluded to the same thing.


Here it is in a nutshell.

Arguably, there are 75-80 million MAGA supporters (at least there were about 4 years ago). Personally, I don’t think too many of them have gone away.

They may not be as vocal as they were in 2020, but they are still around.

To put this in perspective, there are 85 million people living in Germany at this time. These 85 million Germans make the rest of the European Union look like dwarfs due to their economic power and work ethic.

I expect nothing less from these 75-80 million MAGA supporters.

What if – just suppose – these MAGA guys and gals pull together and build their own Capitalist state. How about these people exchange their Federal Reserve notes for a gold-backed currency and exchange their globalist mutual funds for investing in each others’ businesses across the fruited plain?

(If you’re not an American Constitutionalist, you need not apply).

I think these MAGA people could give Germany a good run for their money.

This is being orchestrated. I’m all for it.

By the way, WE THE PEOPLE are the government. Once we realize this, we’ll see how little the globalists and socialists have control over us (they simply cast a big shadow).

The alternative is embracing a globalist Socialist regime. And for that, you will need to have some hope that all is not lost. It is possible to Prosper in a Socialist Society.  CLiCK HERE to find out how…

School Applied to Today’s World.

School Days, Skool Daze, Dear old Golden Rule Days

But when I was going to school, it was anything but the Golden Rule. I never had a teacher who treating us students as we desired to be treated. No Sir. We were treated like unruly children with minds of mush which had to be molded into something beneficial to society as well as ourselves.

In high school, there was a belligerent a**ho*e who was rude and mouthy. In fact, I was surprised he was not suspended or expelled for his rude behavior.

Others were not so lucky.

Bad grades. Suspension. In-school suspension. Getting expelled. Getting sent home for the day. All of these punishments were handed out with regularity.

After all, if you didn’t want to learn, you were not going to interfere with those who did. If you want to make a mess of your life, at some point, it is your decision to do so. Making poor decisions was your problem. And society allowed you to lift or sink yourself to the level you decided you wanted to be.

Oh, for those days of yore.

In fact, today makes me wonder whether the belligerent a**ho*es of the country never grew up and have decided it is time to retaliate against the teacher, principals and society in general.

Rather than allowing poor decisions and their consequences to be experienced, today’s society subsidizes these decisions. There are exceptions and there are individuals who need help (and are willing to do what they can to improve their lot) but there are many who have decided to allow society to subsidize and bankroll them.

A great example is this – the migrant situation on the borders.

Should a person desire a better life than what they are experiencing in their homeland, I understand their drive to emigrate to the United States. Past generations did this in mass – including my great, great grandfather who arrived at Ellis Island in 1861.

David had no welfare state. He had no social security. No one promised him a place to live. As far as I know, he didn’t have a job awaiting him when he settled in Ohio. Yet, within 25 years, he had a farm and was a small business owner. So was his son, Theodore. As was his son, Otto. As was his son, Paul.

Today’s emigrant doesn’t seem to want to work for those things. He is given housing, medical care, food, and more – all at someone else’s expense.

Some of these recent emigrants have decided to go back home as they find Capitalism and the American dream too hard for them. This was very much the same in the Soviet satellites soon after the wall came down. Many longed for the days of the Soviet Empire as they didn’t have much, but they were taken care of.

Instead, why don’t we handle societal problems the same way school handled those who were unwilling to work toward an education in my day.

Bye. Good luck. Don’t expect a handout because of your decision.

If we did so, government would be much smaller, Americans would be much more independent as well as liberated, taxes would drop, the welfare state would be non-existent, and more.

Yep. I’m living in a fantasy world (it was known as the United States – a Camelot of sorts). Especially today. Today, instead, we must learn to Prosper in a Socialist State. Which you can do, simply by CLICKING HERE

If your last name were Adams, would your first name be Sam or Morticia?

I read an interesting analogy this morning.

Americans are living under the same government they rebelled against in 1776.

In fact, in many ways, it is worse.

Higher taxes. Electronic monitoring wasn’t even a dream of King George and his administration. My, how that is changed. (Keep in mind INFLATION is the biggest form of taxes the government is imposing on us, having increased the national debt 34 times over the past 42 years). The USA is currently adding $1 trillion in new debt every 15 weeks.

I’m sure the kids, Dick and Jane, are thrilled you are allowing your peers to spend money they don’t have, having no intention of repayment. When a majority of their pay goes to paying the interest on this debt, keep in mind they have a very good reason to be busy every Holiday season rather than coming home for a visit.

Today we have Joe-orge the tyrant who does what he wants. He enters wars based on his whims – not the declaration of war by the legislative branch.

Today’s America locks down when individuals who market themselves as the expert (very similar to Doctor “I have a Master’s degree in – Science” Science) even though they are far removed from being an expert or paying attention to the math.

A great example of this is a mathematician who was, throughout the Plandemic, emailing Ohio’s governor’s office asking them to stop inflating the Covid deaths (Mike Dewine inflated the Covid deaths by 400% according to the CDC’s own data).

Similar math, based on data from US Government agencies, can be used to demonstrate virtually every county in the country has an ‘election integrity’ problem.

The bottom line is whether America is going to do something about it. Am I speaking of a Revolution?

You betcha.

Because it would be revolutionary to have Americans be more interested in their descendants future than they are in the next vacation or football game. It would be absolutely CRAZY if Americans would spend the money they spend for one meal a week on getting educated on a few sheets of paper called the Constitution and then do the Same Adams thing.

Yeah, I know. Speaking like this in today’s America gets people’ disappeared’.  But here’s what I am getting at – Here’s what Sam said…

It does not take a majority to prevail… but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

Are you, as an American who loves their liberty, their freedom, the Republic and their posterity, willing to be an irate, tireless minority to set brushfires of freedom in the minds of men???

The first thing you can do is bone up on the Constitution.

The second thing is to educate your elected officials how they are daily and weekly violating their Oath of Office and you (and other tireless, irate Americans) intend to remove them from Office should they continue to violate their oath.

Special elections happen regularly.

Empty seats in Congress, on the city counsel and other places are dealt with regularly.

It’s up to YOU whether your kids enjoy the blessings of liberty you inherited.

Should America, despite its best efforts, fall into the tyranny of a socialist state, you can still thrive. I can show you how HERE.

Are there different definitions for Revolution?

I stopped by Randy’s the other day to drop off some Christmas cookies. Randy and I enjoy shooing the sh** whether it be politics, religion or sex change operations. Once in a while, we even talk about benign topics like monetary policy. But, at the end of the conversation, no matter how much we disagree, we part as friends.

Anyway, we got on the topic of January 6th (I guess it’s time to bring this to the forefront of our sNEWS cycle since it is the 4th anniversary of that event). Randal said he believed there was an insurrection.

I asked, with somewhere between 200 and 300 million guns in the country and arguably 75-80 million MAGA supporters in 2020, where were the guns? Where was the tar and feathers? Unlike BLM marches from 6-7 months earlier, there were no bricks which were convenient – at least none that were thrown?

Where were the breakouts around the country to coincide with the revolution taking place in Washington?

He noted the police had confiscated thousands of weapons before they got to Capitol Hill. As for tar and feathers, that is from a bygone era. And comparing a BLM event was unconsciouable as the BLM events were people with righteous anger who happened to get together to demonstrate while Trump’s January 6th event was a planned insurrection.

Randy’s evidence for the planned insurrection was the amount of lawyering up Trump did leading up to 1/6/21.

Wasn’t that within his legal right?

Randy agreed it was but somehow lawyering up to overthrow an election is equivalent to an insurrection.

Interesting, I commented. So Trump’s entire career was been practice insurrections based on getting his team of lawyers involved in his real estate transactions?

At this point, Randy pointed out the unscathed reputation of the Federal government and its agencies, noting they would never do anything diabolical or treasonous or unethical.

AHHH. I’d like to hear the American Indians thoughts on that last statement. I’d like to hear Oswald’s testimony. I’d like to hear how non-existent weapons of mass destruction justifies invading a sovereign nation.

To which Randy accused me of being one of those on the domestic terrorist watch list.

Yeah, I probably am. I probably have been since I began to regularly point out to my elected national and state Representatives and Senators that when their grand-children are caught defecating on their grave, they have a pretty good argument why this should be allowed…

In conclusion, Randy and I agreed to disagree as we cracked open another beer and began to laugh at the Dr. Phil episode that had been playing in the background during our entire conversation.

After I left, I began wondering what is the ‘official’ definition of insurrection. So I looked it up. Here’s what said: an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government. noted the following synonyms – a coup, a mutiny, a revolution were words which were noted.

The next time Randy and I get together, I’ll have to ask…

So Donald Trump has a pretty large reputation as being a bitch of a negotiator. In fact, one of the best. Yet, with all the support Donald could have had from his 75 million supporters around the country on January 6th, he was too weak to keep the revolution going for more than a few hours. In fact, after less than 6 hours time, he told everyone to go home.

That’s one of the world’s top negotiators?

That’s one pathetic negotiation and that’s one of the weakest revolutions in world history. It’s no wonder we have millions walking into the country unimpeded. America is simply that weak.

If you have read this far in my rant, you’ve prob’ly accepted the fact the United States will soon be a socialist society. And that’s the reason I wrote Prospering in a Socialist Society, so you have strategies and stories of how others have thrived in such cultures. You can find my book HERE. And, let me tell you, the blows I hit in my book are a lot longer lasting than Trump’s January 6th revolution.

Ted Leithart

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Straight-Forward Insights -
Prosper to Your Highest Potential!

My name is Ted Leithart and I'm here to challenge YOU to reach your highest potential and calling, faster than you ever thought possible. Insightful, thought-provoking and spiritually superior (although sometimes offensive) emails to you almost every day. My desire is to assist hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And I want YOU to be next! 

WARNING: I can be brash and offensive. If you're offended by rough talk - then you don't want to receive my secrets. But if you enjoy a deep and hearty laugh regularly, then sign on. 

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