Is this a new pharmaceutical company coming out with a new #vaccine, similar to Elon Musk’s #SpaceX? Is this a marketing company to sell the world on the next ‘plandemic’? Will DiseaseY and DiseaseZ follow DiseaseX?

I wonder how many people will recognize the BS-X this time around and stand in resistanceX. Conversely, how many will join the ranks of ChickenLittleX and demand the world locks down, stops growing food and begins to consume SoylentGreenX to save the world from themselves.

Personally, a think a little ‘jab, jab, jab, right hook’X should be gifted to the scientists, politicians and others who ‘sell’ DiseaseX on a consistent basis.

Here endeth my rant of the day.

TedL (much better than TedX as my insight is always from a trustworthy source)

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