
BRICS stockpiling gold… Should you be concerned?

As I was glancing through the various articles I read through each week, I noticed an article which got my attention more than the others. ‘BRICS stockpiling gold in massive numbers’ was the headline.

While United States’ politicians think nothing of increasing their debt (as THEY are the ones borrowing $10 billion a day to feed the hungry masses within our borders), Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are purchasing gold in record amounts.

Gold has been a desired commodity for 4000 years while growing your wealth by borrowing more has been the idea of governments and Keynesian economics for about as long.

Matthew 18 speaks of an unmerciful servant, who was forgiven a great debt yet refused to forgive a fairly small debt. How was this resolved? In verse 30, the unmerciful servant threw his fellow servant into prison until he could pay the debt. A few verses later, the unmerciful servant was handed over to jailers until he could pay back his debt.

In both cases, whether the debt was small or large, the debtor was enslaved in prison until he could pay the debt.

How does this apply to the United States and the world today? Both are in a world (actually, a world of hurt is too small as we’ve borrowed every asset in the world 3-4 times over) of hurt as total debt is around $350 trillion while the world’s assets total about $100 trillion. We do not owe this debt to ourselves. Only the Federal Reserve would be silly enough to lend money to an organization which sells obligation (to be paid with interest) back to the Federal Reserve. How does lending a created liability to be repaid with a liability plus interest to the lender create an economy?

That’s similar to buying liabilities and paying interest on these items that are decreasing in value over time, thus creating the aura of wealth (in the short term).

There’s only one end game in such a situation. Enslaving the borrowers until the debt is paid in full.

It is amazin’ how many well-meaning people, government officials, government workers, and private citizens believe such a cycle must continue, otherwise we are reducing the quantity or quality of services needed to sustain the nation. This demonstrates how ill-educated many are.

It also demonstrates how diabolical and evil individuals our masters are.

There is a way around this, but it isn’t pleasant. It requires care and love for others as all of us will be on an austerity program.

Can you imagine the country going through the 7 steps Financial Peace University takes you through? Personally, I envision many would continue to fiddle away while watching the Titanic cruise along without a care about any icebergs (even though I believe the iceberg has already been hit, back in 1971 when the USA could no longer pay its debts with real money).

There’s another aspect to obtaining financial peace. You can read its strategies I outlined for you in my book, Prospering in a Socialist Society. Not only do I demonstrate multiple reasons why you should be resisting the nation’s current course, I provide multiple case studies of individuals who did thrive, even while living in tyranny.

Tom Tornado and Me

Last evening, a friend was camping about 30 miles North of us when the tornado sirens went off. Where do you go when your camping and have a tornado siren? To the cinder block outhouse. And there they stayed until the all-clear was signaled.
Their notification reminded me of my personal connection with Mr. Tom Tornado. It seems he appears in my life on a regular basis, comes close to knocking on the door of the house or nudging the car I’m driving and waltzes away, swaying back and forth like some of my in-laws when they over-enjoying the weekend.
My first recollection of meeting Mr. Tornado was when I was in grade school. I was on safety patrol and school was letting out, but there was a tornado siting near the school. For some reason, however, the safety patrol was sent out to assist the students crossing the streets. Yet, some of the teachers would not release their students because of the tornado.
So here we were, doing our safety patrol job while most students were staying in the school until Mr. Tornado left the area. A few of the students had been released and were patiently waiting on the school bus for the other students to be released so the bus could begin its route.
Mr. Tornado didn’t get us, but we did get soaked to the skin as well as experiencing how well the school has strategically planned for a high stress situation.
Mr. Tornado went away for about six years and reappeared the day of my high school graduation. Normally, my high school would have graduation ceremonies on the football field as the bleachers provided enough room for family to attend the festivities. Since Mr. Tornado was lurking in the area, the school principal determined to hold graduation in the auditorium, which sat 1200-1500 people. My class size was around 550 students, so very few family members could attend.
My older brother took off to go swimming, my younger brother disappeared, my Dad went to work on his medical office accounting and Mom got to catch a glimpse of me walking across the stage from a stairwell.
Tom (Tornado) didn’t stay away too long.
During my second year of college, my roommate was taking a train to Chicago for the weekend. Am-Trak’s closest station was 45 minutes by car. We borrowed a car and I drove him over. On the way back to the college, the rain kept getting heavier and heavier.
It continued this way for about 20 minutes. As I rounded a corner, someone turned off the rain. Immediately.
AHHH. This is nice. I can see and drive more easily now. No wind. No storm. Not even a sprinkle was on my windshield.
Looking to my left, I realized WHY it was nice. Tom was about ¼ mile off the road, throwing dust and parts of barns this way
and that.
I don’t recall running into Tom for about 25 years after that. But Tom made his presence known early one morning in 1999. I was awakened by loud thunder. What woke me was not so much the thunder, but the thunder didn’t die out. It kept thundering on and on for about 30-45 seconds.
Shortly afterwards, it began to pour rain. “That’s wild”, I said to myself. “I wonder what time it is…” I rolled over to look at the clock but the electricity had gone off and it was pitch black outside. I rolled over and went back to sleep.
I called my girl-friend about an hour later and told her about the thunder that wouldn’t die out. We spoke of some other things and said good-bye. Getting to work was mandatory, but I still needed to dress and have breakfast.
Six minutes later my girlfriend called back and told me a tornado had gone by my house. I was fortunate as the twister had put a large tree into the second floor of a house two blocks away.
When my friends pointed out their concerning moments with Tom last evening, my memories of Tom Tornado and I spun around in my mind.

Maybe things seem like they are twisting around – politically, socially, culturally and more. You may be yelling, stop the spin – I want to get off.

I don’t know how to do that, but I do know how to help you prosper, even if you are living in tyranny. Learn how by going to 

WHO Cares who Wins the White House? Not me!!!

How smart people would not care whether the Democrats lose the White House or Congress in November…

Every four years America gets all in a dither about who wins the White House and who gets a seat in Congress. Americans spend millions upon millions to ensure their favored candidates get elected. But does it matter?

In the book Tragedy and Hope (1966), Bill Clinton’s mentor points out the United States was quickly coming to the time when it didn’t matter whether a Republican or Democrat got elected as the march toward the socialist utopia (in the USA and the world) would continue.

Here we are, 58 years later and an insightful student of things politic can easily witness the walls, detours and false alternatives provided to and by the President, his Cabinet and Congress to come close to repairing problems.

A simple example of this was the lie perpetuated during the COVID pandemic. BLM demonstrators were welcome to protest – and protect violently – while other Americans were threathened with jail, job loss and more should they live their lives like it was still 2019, 2015, or 1999. If COVID was such a threat to the planet, where was the consistent enforcement of CDC rules?

Like I said, false alternatives.

A wise person would realize who’s in Congress and the Oval Office doesn’t matter. What matters is the deep state, the bureaucracy, soldier on no matter who’s ‘elected. Then they would work day and night to bolster the detours and walls were reinforced so the march toward the worker’s paradise could continue unabated.

A wise person would also realize the Supreme law of the land is the Constitution. We, the People, only assign 17 duties to the Federal government to limit their power – reserving all the other infinite jobs and duties to each State and to the people. So they would hold the President, Congress and the bureaucracy to those 17 duties only.

But the President, Congress and the deep state are too big, too powerful, you say? They are too big to fail? NOT AT ALL.

Everything happens in this world because it is funded. And the source of the Federal government’s power, as a result, is the Federal Reserve. Considering the Federal Reserve is the largest representative of fiat money in the Western world, you could say the Federal government is funded by a ponzi scheme. Nothing else.

Each state simply needs to begin minting silver and gold coins, which they are allowed to do, and begin to nullify all Federal regulation in their state which exceeds a strict interpretation of the Constitution.

The only remaining job, then, is to sit back and watch the party as the Creature on the Potomac and the Creature from Jekyll Island implode together.

Vintage memories…

Vintage memories…

It’s been a while since I wrote about my passion for vintage automobiles. A post on a social media platform got me to thinking about these fun times.

I recall running into Hillary Raab several years ago.He had driven his 1920s Bentley through a major rainstorm from Chicago to Cincinnati. I asked about the wipers handling the rain. His reply was simple: “Rain-X”

To keep the Rain-X working, he was driving the Bentley about 80 miles an hour.

Questioning the amount of water off the back of the car since it didn’t have complete fenders, he replied, “You should have seen the rooster tail.”


On another occasion, I ran into Hill (not literally) when he was driving an alloy-bodied Ferrari around Cincinnati. It wasn’t painted, it was just the unfinished aluminum body.

I had not seen a Ferrari with quite that look before so we began a discussion about the car. He was building his own body, using the lines of several Ferraris, such as a NART Spider, a GTO and a few others. Yes, it was a Spider.

I asked about the origin of the car. He noted it was Enzo’s personal driver for a while. Interesting, I said. “How do you know it was Enzo’s personal driver” I questioned. His reply was hilarious.

“We found Enzo’s fingerprints on the steering wheel.” But my reply was equally rich.

“It may well have been Enzo’s personal car at some point in its history, but, wasn’t everything coming out of the Ferrari factory at that time pretty much, at some point, Enzo’s personal car?”

“Good point” was the reply.

Fast-forward a few years. I ran into Hill at the same event, driving the same car. By this time, it was painted yellow. I asked if he remembered our previous conversation about the car. He did not, but was amused when I relayed the story to him.


At another event, I spoke with the owner of a 250GTO. As I looked over the car, admiring its lines, its pedigree and the overall art that is a GTO, I caught something the owner had not completed correctly when he restored the racer.

I mentioned his car was not complete. Specifically, the interior was missing a key piece necessary for every GTO.

What was missing? A strip of electrical tape which held several vintage Italian fuses on it. This piece of tape should be attached to the dash, so when a fuse blew, a replacement could easily and quickly be brought into action.

His reply? “Good suggestion…”


On another occasion, I drive over to an independent Mercedes repair shop. As I was looking around, checking out what items of interest were lurking around, I came across a real collectible. An unrestored Mercedes 380K. I often wonder where it ended up as the then-owner did not have the funds to restore it.


During the years I was travelling the country for business, I happened to be in Phoenix. As always, when I was in a town and had some time on my hands, I would typically visit an independent Ferrari garage. My ‘in’ to such places was I had worked throughout college and on the weekends afterwards with an independent Ferrari repair and restoration shop which had moved on to become one of the premier parts distributors for vintage Ferraris.

So who did I go visit in Phoenix? None other than Bob Wallace. For those in the know, Bob Wallace was Lamborghini’s test driver from 1963-1975.


I believe I have written about this before, but in my college days, I would drive up to a friend’s house after school. A few hours later we’d be on the road to New York City and, specifically, Chinetti International Motors. Luigi had sold his business to others by then. We’d arrive in Greenwich about 4 am, sleep in the truck as best we could for a couple of hours and go out to breakfast.

We’d return to Chinetti’s after the parts department opened. During these easy-going times, the parts department was open to us and we were allowed to venture through the vintage parts at our leisure. Over the course of the day, we’d find all sorts of rare NOS parts for vintage Ferraris.

About 2:30 or 3 in the afternoon, we’d have a pallet-sized shipping crate pretty well filled with all sorts of tasty treats (for any Ferrari guy) and settle up with the parts department. We paid in cash, loaded the crate onto the truck and head back to Ohio, arriving in early morning.

I’d sleep a few hours at my friend’s house, miss my 8 o’clock class at Ohio State, and show up for my later classes.

A couple of the mechanics at Chinetti’s had their own stash of vintage parts they had collected over the years. Realizing there were visitors with cash who were purchasing old Ferrari parts, these mechanics would sell us their collectibles as well.


I was driving down Hamilton Road in Columbus one afternoon when I saw a Ferrari in the used car lot of an AMC dealership. A Ferrari in Ohio in the 1970s was a fairly rare sight and I wasn’t sure whether I had seen the car correctly. I turned into the next business and turned around.

My eyes had not deceived me. It was a white 365GTC/4, sitting in the used car lot. I went inside to inquire about the car and no one knew anything about it. I spent 20 minutes or so checking out the car as I had never seen this model before, until the owner appeared. The owner was very cordial considering a 16-year old was checking out his car when he returned.


A couple of years after this, while attending Ohio State, a Ferrari 275GTS was advertised in the local newspaper. It had been traded at the local Alfa Romeo dealership, which was in the Ohio State vicinity at that time. It was listed for $7500. When I went to check the car out, I ran across a couple of other Ferrari fans, who thought spending $7500 on a 10-year old Ferrari was too much money.

The Wise Owl Who Gets Others to Hoot for him

A friend called me this afternoon. She’s working on a project that extends her finances but also, if successful, helps her to achieve her dreams a lot more quickly. If her short term goal goes well, a lot more people in her niche will hear of her soon…

She has been asking for advice on this project from time to time, but today she said “sales were not going well and time is running short.

“Do you have any marketing advice to help me leverage this project and make it a success?”

“As a matter of fact, I do.” I recalled the project will come to fruition in about a month, so she has little time to waste.

“I recall you are connected well within this circle of people, arguably measuring 2-3 million associates in this ‘circle.’

“I’d do something that attracts them to rally to purchase your products. In fact, many times the spiff is more important than what you are actually selling…”

“How so?” she asked.

“I have a friend who purchased a newsletter for several years. He rarely read the newsletter as the newsletter was in the same industry his business was and he was at the pinnacle of the industry. So, in many ways, an interview with him could have been a featured article in the newsletter.

“Still, he bought. Year after year.”

“Why would he do that?” she inquired.

“He liked the spiffs. The freebies that came with the subscription to the newsletter. It’s the reason Sports Illustrated has their swimsuit issue. Many subscribe to Sports Illustrated just to receive the annual swimsuit issue.

“It could be a clock radio. It could be a sweatshirt with a logo or saying. It could be a coffee cup saying ‘Ted is the Best Human Ever.’

(At the church I attend, I grab a ceramic coffee cup rather than a Styrofoam one due to the health issues hot Styrofoam can cause. I tend to grab the mug that says “Best Human Ever”).

“How about a spiff that the first 50 buyers get that is specific to this sales event? Over time, this could be highly collectible or highly prized. Connect this spiff with the affinity group who would be likely to rally to your cause because you are helping others within the group. Even at a rather high price, the spiff and the helping others gets people to ‘ante up.’”

I followed up with a brief self-image lesson I learned from the Psycho-Cybernetics foundation and suggested we talk in a day or two after we let the subconscious mind do the heavy lifting/ sweating/ worrying for us.

She said ‘wonderful’ as well as ‘Thanks. I love you…’

It’s nice to share the love by providing insight to those seeking answers.

This is an iteration of what my book, The Fastest Way to SuperCharge Your Business (without working your ass off), which I wrote about 10 years ago. I’m in the process of editing the book and should have it available for download at soon…

The USA is schizoid

The #USA is schizoid

Personally, I am ‘mazed or maybe the right word is appauled by the country going from #Reagan to #Obama in less than 20 years.

How’d young ‘Merica, formerly known as the Land of the free and the home of the brave, move from #RonPaul to Joe Biden in 16 years?

How did ‘Merica go from Obama’s fundamentally working to change the country to ‘TRUMP-TRUMP-TRUMP’ and then back to “Oh, socialism isn’t that bad” Biden in another 4 years?

the only thing that makes sense is the amount of marijuana being smoked by Americans, because such vascillating is nothing short of the country being schizoid

Like, totally man…

What Color Are Most People…

As I was visiting a local retailer this morning, I walked by a couple of friends who were having a discussion. I must admit, I do not know the gist of the conversation or what the point one of my friends, Alex, was trying to make to Randy.

But, as I walked around the corner to where they were, Alex asked, “What Color do you think most people in Washington DC are?”

Like I said, I wasn’t privy to the entire conversation, so the question hit me blind. However, I immediately had a response. My response was such that both Alex and Randy were chuckling while nodding their heads.

I asked, “Well, am I wrong?” Both Alex and Randy stated in their own way I was absolutely right.

Was it a racist comment? No.

Did I compare one ‘race’ with another (I put race in quotes as no matter how much melanin is in a person’s skin, we human are all one race). In fact, I’ll go one better. I cannot believe with all the intimate moments humans have with one another, it doesn’t matter whether humans have been around for 5000 or 10,000 or 100,000 or 2 million years, we’ve cross-bred with each other sufficiently to make us all some iteration of Heinz 57.

Did I make a snide comment others may pick up as inappropriate or rude? Not at all.

So what was my answer to the question “What Color Do You Think Most People in Washington, DC are?”

It’s very insightful when you hear the answer…

My answer was “CCP Red.”

Given this answer had an overwhelming majority of those overhearing the conversation agreeing with my answer, it seems to me it would be smart to understand how to Prosper in a Socialist Society. After all, since that is where Americans … Hell, after all, since that is where most people in the world find themselves today, you need to CLICK HERE to be transported to a site which will give you specific strategies of how you can prosper while living under tyranny.

The Fourth Branch of government is unnecessary…

I have come to realize that the timeless principles the Founders of the USA used to create the government and the society, the free-est the world have ever seen, you didn’t need all these other new organizations.

You had education, health care and care of the aged, you had transportation, you had murderers and assassins, for millenia before 1776. Today, there isn’t anything new – it’s simply new modes of how these issues are addressed.

So the over-arching principles of what government is, was and shall be does not change.

Therefore, why were all these agencies created 100-130-155 years after the country was founded?

This concludes with – in my opinion – there is no need for social security or HHS or the Dept. of Education or the FBI. The heart of man is as black as it always has been. There has been no change.

So, why was it so important to create these new agencies that would fix all these problems the country has done well without and that history demonstrates are at best human, at worse demons, working for an entity whose sole thirst is to gain power.

What is the fate you are sending the #USA to?

John Adams wrote “The Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other…”

Are modern day ‘Mercuns being vetted as moral and religious (I did not say perfect)?

Similarly, are the 7.2 million the current administration has welcomed into the country been vetted the same way?

If not, then it follows that since the citizens as well as the President’s guests refuse to be a moral and religious people, how long can we live under the fantasy we can continue to be a free people?

And if no longer a free people, the only alternative is dictatorship/ oligarchy/ kingdom /living as slaves.

If this is the priority in Washington these days, the country is f**ked

Last night while America slept
Congress was hard at work, passing a bill to ensure everyone was kept
Clothed by spending $400k to ensure confused kids can be bound and tucked
If this is the priority in Washington these days, the country is f**ked

I asked my Congressman today
Meeting with farmers to ensure they thrive
Where in the Constitution was he given the right. If it doesn’t, are you not connive
-ing while ignoring the Supreme Law of the Land? The first response was ‘Whatever. Come What May…’

Then we are not a free country
as the government does what it wants. Is this the tree
we want to grow? An ever-encroaching tyrant
By admitting so, you are no different than a sycophant

You see you live in liberty
Where you live in the land of the free
Or you can be oppressed as most of the world have been
If you don’t recognize this simple truth, you’re not thinking but simply listening to the din
Of your owners.

They started over a hundred years ago
Giving you a little tastes of being owned and you bought it. I’m sorry if my rant is making you feel low
Rather than being angry with me rather than refusing to be used again
You should focus your anger on who deserves your retaliation –
the legislature, the executors and the courts.

A few years ago in the largest Congressional district in the land
500 Montanans decided they had enough of a rogue Representative
They began to share his voting record and views with all of the state
Within six months this Representative realized his fate
And accordingly began to follow the Law of the Land.

You see it isn’t that hard to make ‘Merca the home of the brave and free
All you need is to show the government they are the people’s employees, that’s how it’s supposed to be
It’s not voting every year or two that’ll make a difference
It’s writing, speaking and facing them belly-to-belly. If they refuse to listen and be that dense
You can make them a lame duck representative until the next election or impeach the sucker
It’s about taking action, not just hoping we get luckier

But before you go off half-cocked
Learn the Constitution, the Declaration and Understand what the Federalist papers. If you know these you cannot be mocked
When you know the law better than your representatives, your senators, your counsel and governor
Then you can give me a big “What-for”
Government is in business for YOUR money and taking your power
While the Constitution says ‘stick it to the government’ and things will grow like a field of flowers
It’s YOUR money and the government is you – WE THE PEOPLE

Ted Leithart

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Straight-Forward Insights -
Prosper to Your Highest Potential!

My name is Ted Leithart and I'm here to challenge YOU to reach your highest potential and calling, faster than you ever thought possible. Insightful, thought-provoking and spiritually superior (although sometimes offensive) emails to you almost every day. My desire is to assist hundreds of thousands of people around the world. And I want YOU to be next! 

WARNING: I can be brash and offensive. If you're offended by rough talk - then you don't want to receive my secrets. But if you enjoy a deep and hearty laugh regularly, then sign on. 

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