The USA is schizoid

The #USA is schizoid Personally, I am ‘mazed or maybe the right word is appauled by the country going from #Reagan to #Obama in less than 20 years. How’d young ‘Merica, formerly known as the Land of the free and the home of the brave, move from...

What Color Are Most People…

As I was visiting a local retailer this morning, I walked by a couple of friends who were having a discussion. I must admit, I do not know the gist of the conversation or what the point one of my friends, Alex, was trying to make to Randy. But, as I walked around the...

What is the fate you are sending the #USA to?

John Adams wrote “The Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other…” Are modern day ‘Mercuns being vetted as moral and religious (I did not say perfect)? Similarly, are the 7.2 million the current...

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